ZTF Community Workshop at AAS 229

The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) is a next-generation optical time-domain survey that will run from 2017-2020 with significantly expanded capability compared to the successful Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) survey. ZTF is supported in part by the NSF MSIP program. As a part of the MSIP proposal, two public surveys---a 3-night LSST-like high latitude survey and a Galactic plane survey---were proposed. The workshop will present the instrument capabilities, details of the two surveys, and the planned data products and release schedule. In the second half of the workshop, actual and projected observing programs for PTF, ZTF, and LSST will be compared using the LSST Metrics Analysis Framework. Feedback from the workshop will help the PI team determine the final survey parameters. Inclusion of events on the AAS Calendar is for viewer information only and does not imply endorsement by the American Astronomical Society.


3 January 2017


Grapevine, TX, USA