Galaxy Angular Momentum Alignment 2019

Inclusion of events on the AAS Calendar is for viewer information only and does not imply endorsement by the American Astronomical Society.

The international conference GAMA (Galaxy Angular Momentum Alignment) will focus on the alignment of angular momentum of dark matter halos, and galaxies with large scale structure. Recent and upcoming surveys will provide a rich testing ground, which this meeting will discuss, review, and forecast. The spin field in principle contains comparable amount of cosmic information as the density field and brings independent ways in understanding the gravitational dynamics of large scale structure (potentially dark energy and neutrino mass).  

This conference brings together theory, data, and facilities, reviewing recent progress, and providing an open forum for future work. Significant time will be allocated to topical discussions. 

It is recommended that participants register early in order for LOC to provide timely assistance (e.g. invitation letter for visa) if needed. 


21 – 25 October 2019


Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road,Shanghai, 200240, China