23 January 2013

Council Actions AAS 221

George Benedict

 The following actions were taken by the AAS Council at their January 2013 meeting in Long Beach, California.

  1. Accepted 2013 Prize awards from the various AAS Prize Committees
  2. Approved the Minutes of the 220th Meeting  (Anchorage, AK) as distributed.
  3. Approved Executive Committee interim actions as presented.
  4. Commended the Publications Board for its success in finding a new operational normal after years of challenging improvements, its vigilance in monitoring publication trends, potential new publication technologies, and reader-friendly improvements, and for organizing a futures meeting to probe new structures for AAS journals and technological opportunities for improvements.
  5. Approved 2013 Budget Adjustments as presented.
  6. Approved the 2013 AAS Appointments Committee recommendations for Prize Committees.
  7. Approved the amendments and revisions to the AAS Bylaws as presented in http://aas.org/files/resources/aas_bylaws_2012.pdf
  8. Approved requested HEAD By-Laws amendments.
  9. Approved an official and permanent appointment of the AAS Executive Officer to the Publications Board as an ex officio member.
  10. Ratified the AGU statement on Climate Change.
  11. Approved that an AAS Representatives Program be established.
  12. Appointed Joseph W. Richards to the AAS Employment Committee.
  13. Adopted a resolution from the AAS Sustainability Committee.
  14. Established a sub-committee to develop a proposal to fund initiatives to increase AAS meeting participation.