8 February 2013

AAS Website Soft Launch - We're Excited!

Kevin Marvel

Kevin Marvel American Astronomical Society (AAS)

The AAS is pleased to announce the "soft-launch" of our new website and member communication system, which represents the culmination of very large amount of work by members of the AAS staff and external contractors over the past year and more.  We will be rolling out the website and its new functionality over the coming months, so stay tuned for some exciting new features.  

Some neat functionality will be available right away, like the Astronomy in the News feature, which will place breaking Astronomy news from across the web directly onto the AAS homepage, but only with the approval of our press officer, ensuring our members will only see content of value to them.

Members are able to submit content and customize the delivery of information from the AAS.  All members are provided a default configuration that ensures only the most important information is delivered to them as soon as it is available.  If you want to change the frequency, you can.  If you want to only hear about some aspect of Society operations, you can.  The information you want can now be delivered to you when you want it. 

Due to the significant change in underlying communication and website architecture, the workflows used to produce content and other issues, we know there will be some hiccups.  Any project this large is sure to have some challenges, but by going live now, we can debug the site more thoroughly.  I never buy a car without going on a test drive and we're applying the same methodology to our site roll-out.  However, we need your help.  If you see a problem or think something should be edited or enhanced, just let us know by emailing [email protected].  We will do our best to meet your expectations.

We'll let you know about other features and enhancements as they become available.  Special thanks to Judy Johnson, our Director of Communications, who spearheaded this effort over the past year and more and who faced some serious setbacks along the way.  I think you are going to like the new site and we are looking forward to enhancing our communication with you in the coming year using this fantastic new resource.

As always, if you want to give me input directly, just email [email protected].

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