1 May 2013

CARMA Call for Semester 2013b Proposals

CARMA, the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy, is accepting observing proposals for its 2013b semester, which will extend from 12 August 2013 to 24 February 2014. All 23 telescopes are equipped with receivers for the 3 mm (85-115 GHz) and 1 cm (27-36 GHz) wavelength bands. The 15 largest telescopes are equipped with dual-polarization receivers for the 1 mm (215-265 GHz) wavelength band. For the 2013b semester, proposals will be accepted for the 23-element array and for subarrays of 15 telescopes and 8 telescopes. Approximately 30% of the awarded time will be given to PIs outside the partner universities.

In addition to regular proposals, CARMA seeks Key Projects that are of sufficient scope and potential scientific impact to justify a significant investment of CARMA resources. Key Projects that complement ALMA or lead to follow-up programs with ALMA are encouraged. A Key Project can request any combination of standard antenna configurations for up to 1,000 hours of observing time spread over 1 to 5 semesters. However, Key Projects that seek primarily wideband/continuum observations should consider delaying a proposal submission until after CARMA's new 8 GHz correlator is commissioned (Fall 2013). In addition to the science and technical justifications, the proposal must outline a plan for the management, production, and distribution of science-quality data products. CARMA anticipates accepting 1 or 2 Key Projects in the 2013b semester.

Proposals should be submitted using the electronic form. Detailed information, including tools to assist you in preparing proposals, is available on the CARMA website. If you require help in understanding CARMA instrument capabilities, please contact CARMA's Help Desk.

Deadline: 21 May 2013 at 22:00 UTC (18:00 EDT).